its possible to actually tan more on a cloudy day because clouds scatter UV radiation some of the Sun's UV radiation. Instead, look for something gel-based like Aesop Redemption Body Scrub and a pair of exfoliating gloves, like … On these days, depending on your skin, even short exposure can cause sunburn. If you’re like most people, you had no idea it was possible to get a sunburn on a cloudy day or while you were skiing on the slopes. Clouds let through the sun's UVA and UVB rays, which tan and burn the skin. That is… until you ended up sporting a farmers tan from working outside in a T-shirt when the weather was “nice”… Or, a lobster face with a ski goggle outline. (If you can see where the Sun is, there's enough to tan you.) In fact, clouds usually block only about one-fifth of the sun's rays, according to Do Something. In general, clouds cut UV by 15-20%. But be warned, you may think you're doing your dry, winter skin a service by opting for a nourishing oil-based scrub, but the oils can repel the tan formula. This means that the precautions you take in overcast weather should be equivalent to the precautions you take in sunny weather. Thanks Normally on a sunny day you'd only get UV exposure coming straight from the sun, but on a cloudy day it can hit you from the sides as well. DEFINITELY! Please, don't just post your opinion on the matter, use the facts, not just what you think. You CAN get a tan and sunburn from cloudy weather because the sun is still there and still has the rays, just not as direct. You absolutely can tan when it’s cloudy out! You are all set for a day of soaking in the sun, only to find out the forecast is for a cloudy day. That is the only question on your mind today. It varies with skin type, but yes, a tan - and a burn - is possible under thin clouds. I wouldn't suggest tanning on this day though because it could rain, and it's not as fun lol. Here’s what you need to do to ensure you are protecting your skin from sunburns and other irritations, even in cloudy weather: However, you have to remember that tanning causes damage to the skin, and overexposure to UV rays has its risks. The sunburn is caused by a particular kind of ultraviolet radiation, which causes a chemical reaction that the body responds to. So if you can get a sunburn when the clouds are out, you can also get a tan. If you wish to tan on these days, you should use a stronger sunscreen in order to give your skin some level of protection from UV radiation. Can you get tan through the clouds? Tanning under the sun is possible whether it’s a clear sunny day or a cloudy one. Not substantially. No, you can't get a better tan in cloudy weather. The easiest times to get tan/burnt are from 10am-2am pretty much. People can tan on a cloudy day; in fact, they can even get a sunburn. While on an overcast day, you can find that clouds filter out between 70 and 90% of the UVB, they can still let enough through to cause issues. (I got a beaut once.) Just like you can get a sunburn while swimming! While the average person assumes that tanning on a cloudy day isn’t possible, that’s not quite the case. The UV rays are still able to penetrate through the clouds so you can still get a tan. Hence, the reason you can tan when it’s cloudy. You may ask do clouds block UV rays. I thought you could get your best tan during the sunny days at noon, but my neighbor, (it is cloudy outside right now) said that you can tan even better during a cloudy day at noon. So the answer is… YES! Can You Tan Through a Window? On the other hand, you can probably stay out a lot longer on a cloudy day since you aren't sweating as much or you don't have as much eye fatigue from direct sunlight. However, this does not mean that a scorching hot sunny day is the best day to get a tan.